Meet Danoota*, the newest addition to our family. She’s a bit of a rarity – a ginger female. We wanted another girl as the men outnumber the women around here, and Wayne has a thing about ginger cats, so I put the word out at SoHumane. They called while we were in Texas, saying they’d gotten a little female ginger kitten, and would we be interested? Of course! We brought her home on New Years Eve. Like her uncles Sparky and Possum, who also came from SoHumane, she came pre-socialized, and leapt out of her cardboard carrier upon arriving, instantly curious about everything. Our older cats have been patient, often allowing her to work them over in casual wrestling. Really, did they think we were all just going to doze quietly into our golden years together? Actually, Sofie and Skeeziks probably had that in mind. Sparky is somewhat indignant, as he had previously considered himself the official Baby of the House, but Possum is the Danoota magnet. She just loves him and we find them curled up together a lot. She's already demonstrated an aptitude for massage, so here she is, under the tutelage of her Uncle Possum, ready to begin her training. *The name Danoota comes from a John Lennon poem, “Deaf Ted, Danoota (and Me)."
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March 2024