Received my first piece of hate mail today! I’ve had more than a half-dozen letters printed in the Mail Tribune this past few years with little to no response. Frankly, I was beginning to feel a little left out. Then on Tuesday, the paper published my recent letter: A few questions I’m responding to right-wing complaints that we liberals should accept the fact that Trump won, and “get over it,” rather than express concern over the handling of the Mueller report by Attorney General Barr. While I understand that some of the more staunchly conservative voters would no sooner change their minds about us than the guy on the Garrison’s TV commercial* might possibly show us a piece of his furniture, I’d like to pose to them a few rhetorical questions: Why did they condemn Obama throughout his eight-year presidency, calling him names such as “Lyin’ African,” and continue to support Trump’s “birther” campaign? An erstwhile Facebook friend even posted a picture of her Chihuahua relieving itself on a picture of Obama one day, to the delight of her conservative friends. When I complained to her, I was met with enough profane insults to cause Alex Jones to shake his head in disbelief. And let’s not forget the woman in West Virginia who eventually hosed herself with a despicable racial slur about Michelle Obama. (Go look it up. I refuse to quote her.) Does this not constitute the very name-calling and whining they accuse us of? L.J. Zinkand Medford When I got home yesterday, this was in the mail. I knew exactly what it was when I saw my name scrawled on the envelope with no return address: Yep—it's a Christian-themed hate letter! Ya just can’t make this stuff up. Even though it comes across as basic schoolyard nanny boo-boo, I must have touched a nerve. Someone actually took the time to look up my address, pick out a card and paste those pictures from the internet into it—and they spent a whole Forever stamp on me! The icing on the cake was that they responded exactly in the manner described in my letter. I’m touched. I really am… I’m runnin’ with the big dogs now! * There's a local TV commercial here where the guy just talks about his furniture and never shows a single piece. It reminded me of how people on the RR tend to accept things with little regard for the facts.
It’s been a while, I know, but there have been lots of new things germinating over the past few months. To catch up though, we spent Christmas in Austin, like we usually do. My trajectory was a bit bumpy, and suffice it to say that I am thoroughly finished with getting taxis, or anyone else, to come out to our somewhat rural property to take us to the airport early in the morning. All things considered, it’s just easier to drive there and park in the long term lot. Upon arriving in Austin my time promptly got t-boned by my biggest client, so I spent part my vacation working and being burned out because of too much work. This client, Black Bear Diners, is now winding down for me, although I am truly grateful for their support. They picked me up when they were a fledgling company in Mount Shasta, stayed with me for twenty fun and largely unsupervised years, (I refer to it as “the perfect middle-child job”), became so wildly successful that I could no longer keep up with the workload, and saw me safely to the border of Full Retirement Age. Meanwhile, we had a great time in Austin. I finally made it to one of Dale Watson’s Chicken Shit Bingo events. (Don’t worry, the chickens are well cared-for.) We saw lots more great music and friends, and then went down to visit with friends near San Antonio. We visited the McNay Museum, where our friend Mary has become a docent. It’s brilliant and I need to go back because we didn’t have time to see everything. Of course, there was plenty of skiing at Mt. Ashland. In fact, this year was right epic as regards snow. I’ve also finished the first draft of Meteor Falls and am hard at work on revisions and designing the cover. This is a mere tease of it. Silverlining Designs will be adding a new division, something which I can only hint at for now. I will give a full disclosure on an upcoming blog entry when I’ve made it through the prototype phase. I will, however, leave you with this summary: The fun never stops. |
Here's where I expound on whatever I'm passionate about at the time. I welcome your comments, as long as you're not hateful, a terrorist, or attempting to pedal work-at-home offers.
March 2024