Dzhokar Tsarnaev was holed up inside a winterized boat in someone’s backyard.
I can’t help but think if I were the person who owned that boat, I would have checked a lot sooner. I mean, if there were a lockdown in my neighborhood and we were warned to stay inside due to an armed fugitive in the vicinity, I would have wondered, “Could he be hiding in my covered boat?” I would have looked from a safe location first, like out a window, and noticed that the tarp looked slightly different than I remembered when I first covered it. Then I would have called the police. I can’t believe that guy went and actually looked under the cover. He’s lucky he didn’t get his head blown off. This is been a PSA from your well-meaning retired martial arts instructor. We now return you to your regular programming. Comments are closed.
Here's where I expound on whatever I'm passionate about at the time. I welcome your comments, as long as you're not hateful, a terrorist, or attempting to pedal work-at-home offers.
March 2024